Herbal Smudge Stick
Herbal Smudge Stick
When they’re fresh they smell insanely good! There are some seasonal variations depending on what is growing abundantly while harvesting.
Mugwort, White Pine, Yew, Goldenrod, Bee Balm, Sage, Purple Basil, Dandelion, Wild Rose, and Cedar are some of the plants I use.
This combo of plants serves many purposes. Burning herbs removes negative energy by carrying it up and out with the smoke. Each plant also has other properties.
Mugwort - helps with lucid dreams, is calming and is a messenger plant, helping us connect to the landscape.
Goldenrod - for spiritual wound healing
Bee Balm - for its calming properties
Sage - for cleansing and healing
White Pine - for cleansing and protection.
Yew - for rebirth, strength, longevity
Wild Rose - for its love-centered, calming energy